Bilans d’évènement

Football tournament 2018

On the 26th of June, on the occasion of the FIFA World Cup and the match between France and Denmark, the Chambre of Commerce organized its third football tournament in partnership with FC Nordsjælland.

This year, the tournament gathered 10 teams: Total, Copenhague Accueil, Njord Law Firm, the Danish-French Chamber of Commerce, Renault, Pernod Ricard, Atos, Thales, FC Nordsjælland and Saint-Gobain.

Each year, the level of the players increases and several matches ended in victories with a difference in the score of just 1 goal. Given this change of the level of the players, we will certainly adapt the format of next year's event.

The winner of this year's tournament was FC Nordsjælland, who won the final against Renault. The match for the third place was won by the Chamber of Commerce against Atos.

After the tournament, most of the players and their guests gathered to watch the match between France and Denmark together. Like that, more than 200 people celebrate side by side the qualification of our two countries in the Round of 16.

The evening ended with a dinner with all the teams and more than 150 people present. A big thank you to Renault, the sponsor of the event,Pernod Ricard for offering the aperitif and les Grands Chais de France for supplying the wines for the dinner.

You can follow this link to find the article written by Berlingske about the event.

Until next year for a 4th edition of this great event.

Click on the picture below to see the pictures of the day. 

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Hôtel d'Angleterre  •  Copenhagen

Job Fair 2025

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