Editorial Newsletter April 2020

Dear Members,
First of all, we hope that this email will find you and yours in good health.
Like you, the Chamber has also been affected by COVID-19. For the moment we see our role in assisting our members during this terrible period, it is in this spirit that we have asked to the company members as to what extent the new restrictions of access to Denmark were causing problems. This allowed us to obtain interpretations of measures favorable to your situation.
In the same way we would like to ask to the company members about the measures taken by the Danish government to allow us to identify any problems, which could rectified. You will find via the link below a quick questionnaire that you can complete in 2-3 minutes. https://ccfd.limequery.com/571923?lang=en We thank you in advance and will keep you informed of any action taken thanks to the responses collected.
As a reminder, we translate into English the various measures introduced by the Danish government and we publish them on our website, do not hesitate to consult it regularly: https://www.dansk-fransk.dk/actualites.html
As you could see, a number of important events organized by the Chamber had to be canceled with the consequences that you can imagine. Likewise, we are looking forward to upcoming events, but as soon as the situation becomes clearer we hope to be able to postpone to the second half of the year, as many as possible of them, counting on your presence and support. For the moment we are not able to have the General Assembly as well, which is postponed indefinitely. Of course, as soon as it is possible for us to meet we will fix a date and keep you informed.
If you have ideas, which would allow us to serve our members even better during this period, please do not hesitate to submit them to us.
In the meantime, be well and we hope to find you as quickly as possible other than in a virtual way.
Best regards,
Anders Torbøl - Président
Danish-French Chamber of Commerce