Jean-Pascal Gond

How Do Corporations React to Shareholder Engagement on Corporate Social Responsibility Issues?
Although a growing number of institutional investors are engaging their investee companies on environmental, social or governance (ESG) issues, surprisingly little is known about how corporations react to such processes and/or leverage the influence of investors to progress CSR issues. This presentation will build on studies conducted in partnership with the United Nations Principle for Responsible Investment (PRI) to unpack the organizational dynamics underlying shareholder-corporation interactions around ESG/CSR issues.
Jean-Pascal Gond is a Professor of Corporate Social Responsibility at Cass Business School, City, University of London, since 2012. He earned his PhD in Management Sciences from the University of Toulouse and graduated from the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Cachan (France). His research mobilizes organization theory and economic sociology to investigate corporate social responsibility (CSR). Key research programs currently in progress on CSR include the roles of standards and metrics in the institutionalization of CSR in the financial marketplace and in corporations, the influence of CSR on employees, and the practice of investors’ engagement of corporations on CSR issues.