Edito Newsletter December 2021

All good things come to an end. The old proverb came into mind, when we regretfully learnt about the departure of our ambassador, Caroline Ferrari. I am saying our ambassador because, due to the Caroline Ferrari’s participation and commitment towards the work of the Danish-FrenchChamber of Commerce, we have deeply felt that she was “our ambassador”.
Whether it be attending the Chamber’s meetings, opening the Embassy for the Chamber’s activities, involving the Chamber in the Embassy’s activities regarding commercial or economic matters, or helping finding new ideas for the activities of the Chamber Caroline Ferrari has always been there.
In particular we will remember her contribution to finding solutions enabling the Chamber to continue the activities during the Covid pandemic and our close cooperation to help advance the negotiations of the Dual Tax Convention between Denmark and France.
In the interview with Caroline Ferrari, she refers to the impulse given by the State Visite of President Emmanuel Macron. I think that we can, without exaggeration, speak of the impulse given by Caroline Ferrari to the work of the Danish-French Chamber of Commerce. An impulse for which we thank her and wish her good luck in her new prestigious function.
Anders Torbøl - Président
Danish-French Chamber of Commerce