Bilans d’évènement

Danish-French Football tournament 2022

This year, 10 companies had registered their team and were competing against each other in two leagues.

On Friday the 9th of September 2022, we kicked off our annual Football Tournament at Brøndby Stadium for the 6th year. Without the collaboration with Brøndby IF team and the support of the event's main sponsor, 360 Law Firm, these tournaments wouldn't be possible so a big thanks goes out to you!

This year, 10 companies had registered their team and were competing against each other in two leagues – The Champions League for those who had come to win and the Tourist Conference League for those just wanting to have a good time. In both leagues however, the matches got quite competitive and throughout the day, we saw both great skills and good sportsmanship!

We want to thank all the teams that have participated this year: 360 Law Firm, LEAD & Rödl, DSV, Moët & Hennesy, ALD Automative, Njord Law Firm, and TotalEnergies and a special thanks to Saint-Gobain who has participated in all our tournaments from 2016 and to L’Oréal and Ecotree who have participated for the first time this year.

We enjoyed spending the day with you and we hope to see you again next year!

Something special about this year's tournament was our great CSR collaboration with EcoTree who receive donations to plant trees. For every goal scored, each company agreed to donate money to plant a tree and we are delighted to say that this year's tournament has resulted in a whole forest! 237 goals were scored in total resulting in 237 trees – well done to all of you and thank you for your generosity.

After a round of exciting semi-finals and final games, the score of the two leagues ended as follows:


  1. DSV
  2. Njord
  3. ALD Automotive

Tourist Conference League

  1. TotalEnergies
  2. L'Oréal
  3. Moët & Hennessy

The award ceremony was held in the Michael Laudrup Lounge at Brøndby Stadium, where the new French Ambassador in Denmark, Christophe Parisot, handed out the medals. We thank Mr. Parisot for his participation and his skilful kick off in the final match of the day! We would also like to give a special thanks to Moët & Hennessy for their generous donation of the welcome drink and the bottles of champagne for the two winning teams.

The Chamber of Commerce would like to thank everyone who participated, and we hope to see you all again next year and maybe some new talents!

Please, click on the below picture to see all the pictures of the event. 

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