Bilans d’évènement

Entrepreneurial Award Ceremony 2020

For the fourth year in a row, the Danish-French Chamber of Commerce awarded the entrepreneur of the year in partnership with Atos. Since the circumstances limited this year’s number of participants at the French Embassy, it was also possible for the members of the chamber to see the Award ceremony live from Teams.

This year’s entrepreneurial initiatives were from four different and really interesting start-ups. Namely:
- Lemon Learning
- Ecotree
- Le French Kiosk
- PYTHEAS Technology

You can read more about the four initiatives by following this link:

Both present at the Embassy and live streamed, The French ambassador in Denmark Caroline Ferrari and Claus Larsen, country manager at Atos Denmark, welcomed the participants of the ceremony.

Afterwards, the last year’s winners Gina Périer and Alexander Egebjerg founders of Lapee made a presentation about the evolution of their company since they won the competition last year.

Each of the four mentioned entrepreneurial competitors of this year made a presentation of their project. Nordic Country Manager of Lemon Learning Mathieu Lamotte and Partner and CEO of Ecotree Thomas Canguilhem were present at the Embassy, while the CEO of PYTHEAS Frederic Mosca and the CO-founder of Le French Kiosk Antoine Christaki de Germain attended the event online from France.

Ulrik Fleischer-Michaelsen, partner at 360 Law Firm, attended the ceremony by Teams and informed the audience that his lawyer company is going to offer juridical support for a value of 20.000 DKK to the winner. Definitely a great and helpful offer for an entrepreneur. Learn more about 360 Law Firm by clicking here.

Pierre-Yves Jullien, the president of the jury, summed up the presentations and stressed the difficulties the committee have had when choosing this year’s winner. Since the four initiatives are very different, but vastly relevant and competent, the decision has not been easy.

But the choice had to be made and the Ambassador Caroline Ferrari and Claus Larsen revealed this year’s decision of the committee, which was Ecotree.

The prize awarded to Ecotree was funded by 360 Law Firm who offered juridical assistance for the company and from Vin Fra Loire (www.vinfraloire.dkwho offered a bottle of bubbles dressed by a luxurious bottle holder for bike. An elegant and practical way to transport serenely your bottle on your bike. The French touch combines with the Danish one. Discover more about our different models and our selection of wine by clicking here.

Vin Fra Loire : Importer of traditional and organic wine from Loire Valley in Denmark and distributor of the French brand La Bouclée® on the Nordic countries.
Contact : Aymeric Guespereau
Mail : info(@)
Phone : + 45 30 46 23 54
Amerika Plads 33 | 2100 Copenhagen - Denmark
Showroom open every Friday 14-18 or by appointment.

The ceremony was followed by wine from Vin Fra Loire and delicious Eclairs from Queen’s Delight. Learn more about the fantastic eclairs offered by Queen’s Delight by clicking here.

A special thanks to Atos for supporting the Entrepreneurial contest and spirit, to 360 Law Firm and Vin Fra Loire for the prizes and last but not least to the participants of this year’s contest. We wish the best of luck to the four companies and are looking forward to following their progress.

You can find some pictures from the ceremony below

Liens utiles

Startup/Entrepreneur of the year -Award ceremony 2018 Startup/Entrepreneur of the year -Award ceremony 2019

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