
French-based Schneider Electric is the world's most sustainable company

Among 8,000 nominees, the French-owned global expert in energy optimization, Schneider Electric, has been named the world's most sustainable company by the Canadian organization Corporate Knights.

This was announced in January in the publication of the recognized Global 100 Index, which serves as a guideline for sustainability and is usually awarded at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

The Global 100 index measures, how much renewable energy and waste companies generate, and as a new initiative this year, the scores also include factors such as sickness absence, diversity, and so-called clean investments.

Rises 29 places on the list

Schneider Electric’s Danish director, Thomas Träger, is proud of the award and emphasizes that the company has only just begun its sustainability journey. Schneider Electric has embarked on a new strategy that will eliminate the company's climate footprint by 2025.

“We are extremely proud to have climbed 29 places on this highly acclaimed list and can now call us the world's most sustainable company. The award is a testament to our efforts to making the world a better and more sustainable place for all of us. But this is just the beginning, as we plan to take sustainability to a whole new level with our Sustainability Impact Program, that will make Schneider Electric's overall activities carbon neutral over the next five years,” says Thomas Träger who encourages other Danish companies as well as private individuals to follow the same path.

"If we are to avoid a global climate catastrophe, we must all make an effort. Many tend to look solely in the direction of politicians to make a difference, but there is no reason for that. Of course, political agreements play a crucial role in solving the climate crisis, but there are plenty of existing green solutions that both private companies and individuals can use to get us on target with the necessary CO2 reductions,” he says.

Has reduced its own energy consumption by 45 percent

Thomas Träger points out that since 2015, Schneider Electric has reduced the energy consumption at the Danish head office by 45 percent. This has been done through a systematic approach to intelligent building management, circular economy and the use of modern technology. Conditions that have not only resulted in economic savings and reduced CO2 emissions, but also higher competitiveness.

He also points out that as a private person you can, for example, eat less meat, reduce streaming, avoid disposable plastic, recycle as much as possible, cut down on the number of flights and increase energy savings in your private home. For example, by making use of smart home systems that help save energy or via automatic light and heat control, where the lights are turned off and the heat turned down when no one is at home.

Intelligent energy management is essential

Schneider Electric's path towards eliminating its climate footprint is involved converting to 100 percent green electricity and converting the company's car fleet from petrol and diesel to electricity and hybrid. In Denmark, this includes a replacement of 265 cars over the next five years and an expected annual reduction of 4,500 tonnes CO2.

In Denmark, the goal will also be achieved via initiatives from Schneider Electric's so-called smart factory in the city of Ringsted. Here, the company tests out solutions that make it possible to produce more efficiently with a smaller climate footprint. This is done, by making use of artificial intelligence, augmented reality and sensors that measure movement, temperature, and light in order to be able to automate, for example, the operation of a building and reduce energy consumption.

Schneider Electric is headquartered in France but also has a significant presence in Denmark, where the company employs around 700 people in the cities of Ballerup, Ringsted, Kolding, Odense and Aarhus,

Schneider Electric's 6 sustainable commitments

  • Acting for a climate-positive world
  • Being efficient with resources
  • Living up to the company’s principles of trust
  • Creating equal opportunities
  • Harnessing the power of all generations
  • Empowering local communities

Read more about Schneider Electric's sustainable commitments here.

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