Update - reopening Denmark - phase 2

From the official webpage of the government, the full transcript of the expanded reopening phase 2, presented on May 20th 2020 and taking effect...

From the official webpage of the government, the full transcript of the expanded reopening phase 2, presented on May 20th 2020 and taking effect on May 27th 2020:

The Government (Socialdemokratiet) and Venstre, Dansk Folkeparti, Radikale Venstre, Socialistisk Folkeparti, Enhedslisten, Det Konservative Folkeparti, Nye Borgerlige, Liberal Alliance og Alternativet has agreed on the below:

The parties, following an agreement on a plan to reopen Denmark, agree that phase 2, cf. agreement on the second phase of a controlled reopening, per. May 27, 2020 is expanded by the following:

Culture and activities:
For example, museums, theaters, art galleries, cinemas, aquariums - can open immediately.
Other zoos, botanical plants, etc. - can open immediately.
Outdoor amusement parks.
Summer activities for children and young people.

Full opening of public research activities requiring attendance.

Adult education, including targeted unemployed (e.g. AMU) and language centers.

Danish Folk High Schools (Højskoler) etc.

Full opening of DR and TV2

Youth education (e.g. high schools, EUD, etc.)

Higher education can conduct oral exams physically as well as teaching activities that require physical attendance

Association life - evening schools, music and cultural schools (with restrictions e.g. with regard to choir singing etc.), scouts and the like.

• As stated in the Agreement on the plan to reopen Denmark, the parties agree that as at present there are large regional differences in the prevalence of COVID-19 infection, the physical presence can be resumed in the public sector, except in the Capital Region and Region Zealand.

• The parties agree that the guidelines for visitation and activity restrictions on, for example, nursing homes, hospices, psychiatry, housing, protected employment, the institutions of the criminal justice service, etc. to the extent that it is justified in terms of health, or where appropriate. This is further agreed in relevant sectoral partnerships based on guidelines from the health authorities.

This means that anything that has been closed in the past can open under health-appropriate guidelines, except for the following:

Indoor sports and associations, which are not already covered by opening, indoor sports and leisure facilities, etc. The Parties agree that these activities are reviewed by the health authorities with a view to the parties agreeing on a reopening plan for these activities prior to and in connection with the transition to Phase 3.

Night clubs, venues and general nightlife (phase 4)

Higher education that has not already been opened (phase 4)

There will be guidelines regarding distance, hygiene, etc. for all the companies, organizations, etc. that have been opened and for those who are now reopening. The framework is organized in the sectoral partnerships, including: based on guidelines from the health authorities. The guidelines are dynamic and constantly adapted to the situation.

In this connection, the parties note that there are a number of separate health-related issues related to theme parks. This means that, before opening the rides, there must be a health professional assessment of the conditions under which these can be opened health-wise, in the light of the latest qualitative assessments from the State Serum Institute's (SSI) expert group.

The parties agree to gradually ease the assembly ban over the summer. In connection with the transition to phase 3, where it has been agreed that the assembly ban will be raised to 30-50, the government will present a plan that includes a statement on recommendations for wedding parties, confirmation parties, etc. The plan will include an expected gradual easing of the assembly ban - which may, for example, be selective for certain events, etc. -  July 8th and August 8th respectively.

As the second phase of a controlled reopening agreement states, the parties have noted that the government is currently in dialogue with neighboring countries and will decide on the temporary border control of entry bans as well as the enhanced travel guides. In this regard, the parties note that the government is proposing a plan for controlled and gradual reopening of summer tourism, based on health safety measures and which provides the tourism industry with clarity. The Government announces this by 29 May 2020.

The parties also note that the government has decided to extend the list of recognized purposes for entry into Denmark as of Monday, May 25, 2020.

The extension will apply to people with permanent residence in the Nordic countries and Germany, who can enter for a variety of purposes, including holiday home-owners, people in relationships, fiancé’s, grandparents, etc. Furthermore, a healthy resumption of business travel to and from Denmark will be opened in accordance with the guidelines of the sector partnership.

The parties note that SSI continuously monitors developments in the epidemic. SSI's ongoing monitoring is published.

The parties note that if the epidemic flares up, the government can deviate from the overall plan, including with necessary restrictions, etc.

Source: Statsministeriet, 21.05.20, visited 24.05.2020 at

If you are a business traveler, where there already is an existing contract, you must be able to provide the following documentation upon request at the border:  

  • Documentation of the contractual relationship, for example a contract.

If you are a business traveler, where there is no existing contract, you must be able to provide the following documentation upon request at the border: 

  • Documentation of the planned meeting in the form of an e-mail or other correspondence, and
  • contact information of the relevant contact person for the meeting, who can confirm the meeting and the necessity of carrying it out by physical presence.

Required documentation for business visits are available at the webpage of the Danish Business Authority:

Also a general list of what the entry restrictions mean for your business:

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