Bilans d’évènement

Xavier Bertrand presentation

On February 17th, the Danish-French Chamber of Commerce was delighted to welcome Xavier Bertrand, president of the Region Hauts-de-France.

Xavier Bertrand has a long career as Minister for Health, Social Affairs and Labour in various governments from 2005 to 2012. Since 2016 he has been President of the Region Hauts-de-France, which with 6 million inhabitants is the 3rd most populous region in France. With its capital, Lille, the region is situated in the heart of Europe, indeed around Lille in a circle of 300 km, 100 million inhabitants live. 

During his visit in Copenhagen, the Chamber organized 3 meetings/events with Xavier Bertrand:

- First of all, the Chamber organized a meeting between Xavier Bertrand and Lars Løkke Rasmussen, former Danish Prime Minister, in our premises.

- At 17:00 the Chamber organized a conference in French at the Njord Law Firm premises. 
During this conference an introduction of the region Haut de France was done by Yann PITOLLET - CEO - Nord France Invest.  After this first presentation, Xavier Bertrand told us more about how he sees the future development of the European Union after Brexit, its relations with the regions, and its importance to his region and the upcoming challenges due to its central place in Europe. The conference was followed by a cocktail with the 70 participants. 

- After the conference, a dinner had been organized at the French Embassy where Xavier Bertrand exchanged with several Danish and French companies.

Please find several pictures of these 3 different events via the link below.

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