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Christmas Networking Glögg 2023

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On Wednesday the 13th of December, the Danish-French Chamber of Commerce hosted its last event of the year – the traditional Christmas Networking Glögg!

This event allowed us to meet with many of our members, wish them a merry Christmas and to thank them for a fruitful collaboration during the year 2023.

The last six years, this Christmas event has been hosted at Galleri Tom Christoffersen and this year was no exception. We would like to thank Tom, for this continuous collaboration and for welcoming us in his unique gallery.

There is no such thing as Christmas event in Denmark without Glögg! So naturally, the Chamber was happy to team up with Ladegourdie Vinimport, who offered all the participants a tasting of their exclusive Glögg. The Ladegourdie family has a long-standing tradition of importing incredible wines from all over Europe to companies in Denmark and in 2018, they presented their newest product: The White Christmas Glögg. This Christmassy beverage is a delicious mix of Danish Glögg traditions and a touch of French ingredients. The White Christmas Glögg is developed in close collaboration with wine producers and local apple farmers, and even lives up the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal no. 17, concerning Partnerships for Sustainable Development.

We are really proud to have Ladegourdie in the Chamber’s network, and we highly appreciate all our collaborations with Annelise Ladegourdie. The guests enjoyed the drink while having the opportunity to network with the approximately 150 participants. 

Apart from the Glögg offered at this event, the Chamber had also teamed up with Ëloise Blaise from Kagerlighed, who provided delicate sweet petits fours for our guests. Some of you might know Ëloise from her yearly January-project of baking the traditional Gallette de Rois for many of the French people living in Copenhagen.

This year the Christmas event, did not skimp on snacks offered to our guests, as we had also ordered a bunch of Pastel de Nata – a traditional Portuguese pastry, which is very popular especially in France. The pastries were provided by Impronta, which is located in the centre of Copenhagen.

The Christmas Glögg event of this year was quite special, as it allowed the Chamber to present Emma van Leenen to our members for the very first time. Emma has recently started as Partnerships Manager at the Danish-French Chamber of Commerce, and we could not be happier with this new recruitment.

We look forward to spending the next months exploring how we can improve and increase the Chamber’s activities and hopefully we will get to see even more of our partners and members in the new year!

Thank you to everyone who participated in this event, thank you to Ladegourdie for the delicious Glögg and to Kagerlighed and Impronta for the pastries.

A great thanks also to Copenhague Accueil, to Marie-Alix de la Chapelle, the new chairperson of the association, and to their members for participating again this year in the Christmas Cocktail.

For the first time this year, we hosted the traditional event in collaboration with a second organization, Association des Entrepreneurs et Professionnels Indépendants Français au Danemark, the association for the Independent French Professionals in Denmark.

And finally, thank you to Marie, who has been an intern at the Chamber since January, and who will be completing her internship at the end of this month. The Christmas event was organized entirely by Marie, so thank you, and thank you for the fantastic work you have done for the Chamber over the past year.

The Danish-French Chamber of Commerce wishes you all a Merry Christmas and happy New Year!

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